



15 of the Greatest Dance Movies of All Times (In No Particular Order):
Jeremy Mainous
1.) White Knights - Starring Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gregory Hines, this movie didn't intrigue us by the story line, but by the amazing dance scenes that are in it.

Whether it was the 11 Pirouettes performed by Baryshnikov or the tapping on the chairs by Hines, this movie puts two of the greatest dancers of all times together!

2) Dirty Dancing -How could I own an Arthur Murray and not mention Dirty Dancing? Did you know that Arthur Murray is where Johnny Castle gets his start to dancing...really, it's talked about in the scene on the log. This movie falls under the category of epic, not only because it had Patrick Swayze shirtless, but mainly because of 'The Lift' that became internationally famous.

3) Shall We Dance -Starring the handsomely wonderful Richard Gere, the incredibly talented Susan Sarandon and the gorgeous Jennifer Lopez, this American remake left our hearts happy and our feet begging to dance. Between the intense Tango scene between Gere and Lopez and watching that man arrive at the top of an escalator suited in his tuxedo with a rose in his hand, this movie goes down as a dance classic.
4) Anchors Aweigh - Hitting the silver screen in 1945, this movie shares with the world one of the most iconic dance scenes in the history of movies. That scene is none other than Mr. Gene Kelly tap dancing with Jerry the Mouse. Never before had anything so great been accomplished and never since has it been tried...because you can't outdo amazing and you can't redo perfection.
5) Center Stage - Taking place at the American Ballet Academy, this movie inspires us to never give up on our dreams. Push harder, try again and believe in yourself and even the furthest of dreams can become reality. Mixing classical ballet with the contemporary flare of dance makes this movie a must watch for all dancers at heart!

6) Dance With Me - Bringing us not only his amazing smile and his amazing Latin music, Cheyenne stars in this movie to bring his dancing and active debut to the big screen. Partnering with Vanessa Williams, this Ballroom dance movie has all the right moves and hits all the right places in our hearts. If you haven't seen this one, it is definitely worth checking out.
7) Singing in the Rain - Based upon a time when movies were going from silent to sound, this romantic-comedic musical brings with it the amazing cast of Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds. Not only did it leave us for decades with some great sing-along show tunes, but also unforgettable dance scenes...like splashing through puddles and swinging on light posts.
8) Saturday Night Fever - Oh, John Travolta...I wonder if they knew then that they would be creating one of the most well-known, most iconic and referred to movies in all of cinematic history. I mean, you can't hear a song by the Bee Gees and not think of this movie and that all too familiar dance scene performed by John Travolta and Karen Lynn Gorney.
9) Take the Lead - Based on a true story, this film stars Antonio Banderas as a once internally known Ballroom dancer turned high school teacher in New York City. It is here where he introduces his doubting students to the world of Ballroom dancing and combines it with their already great street style.
10) Flashdance - Starting Jennifer Beals and Michael Nouri, this 1983 classic shows us that not only can a woman be a bad-a#* by working in a steel-mill during the day and dancing at a bar at night, but it also teaches us how to believe in ourselves. Spoiler Alert - It is not Jennifer Beals dancing in this movie...
11) Fame - Making its debut in 1980, this movie about a group of high school aged kids attending a school for the Performing Arts, falls under a classic for all Arts lovers. Not only are they handling the pressures of being the best in their major, but they also have to learn how to deal with life's hardest situations, such as break-ups, abortions, suicide, homosexuality and illiteracy.
12) Swing Time - There is no better dance duo than that of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. Starring together in this movie about pre-wedding jitters and finding love in the unexpected, the magic that was Astaire and Rogers is undeniable. Remember, Ginger did everything Fred did, only backwards and in high heels.

13) All That Jazz - Nothing more really needs to be said than FOSSE!!
14) Black Swan - The training the Natalie Portman did to make this movie alone is what makes it one of the greats, but add to that the classic story of Swan Lake with the modern twist of turning it into a conflicted woman who's wondering if she really is good enough makes this cinematic greatness!
15) Footloose - Although not necessarily famed for its physical dancing greatness, this movie ends our list simply because of its message. Because a town has made dancing illegal, a newcomer, Ren McCormack (Bacon) with the help of his friend, Willard Hewitt (Penn) start an uphill battle to bring it back...just imagine what a terrible world this would be if we couldn't dance!!!
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